In view of appeals/petitions that have come before the GJA 2017 Elections Adjudication Committee (EDAC) and pursuant to Article 53 (v) of the GJA Constitution of 2004, the Elections Committee has postponed the elections scheduled for 31st March 2017.
This follows the inability of EDAC to meet the requirements imposed on it per Article 53 (iv) which requires the Committee to “consider the appeal and announce its decisions to the parties involved with a copy to the National Executive not more than four (4) working days after receiving the appeal”.
Article 53 (v) states: “In any situation where strict adherence to the time for lodging an objection, or an appeal may cause manifest injustice, the Elections Committee may postpone the election until the dispute has been finally resolved.”
A new date for the elections will be communicated as soon as the EDAC completes its work.
Ben. B Assorow
All Contestants
GJA 2017 Adjudication Committee
GJA Executive